Friday, February 20, 2009

Habs players need better friends

As if they needed anymore problems, a few of the Habs players have "allegedly" got caught up with the wrong people.

How wrong you might ask? Well according to a report on the Fan590, really wrong, like Hells Angels wrong. Pasquale Mangiola, was arrested by Montreal police and faces drug trafficing and illegal gun charges.

Break time for Scott Speed

And who ever could these players be? Take a guess, you won't get it. Andrei and Sergei Kostitsyn and Roman Hamrlik. Although he "allegedly" is only an aquantance of this guy, while the Kostitsyns have "allegedly" had several phone calls with the dude.

Where might all this "alleged" information come from you wonder. The trusty people over at La Presse. If you can read french here's the story. If you want a little information in a language you can read, here's the Gazette story.