Sunday, February 15, 2009

There is no hockey here

We are in Florida.
We have been here for a couple days.
There is no sign of hockey here.
Hence the lack of posting.
Lame excuse, yes.
But at the moment if it doesn't guzzle gas,
Or chew up tires.
Or involve crazy red-neck fans,
We don't care right now.

On a side note:

Scott Speed ftw!
If Jagr drove in NASCAR, he'd be Scott Speed.
Scott words can describe

If you can't watch all of that, it's ok, neither could we.

Hockey: Penguins fire head coach, dumb move. Some guy is in his place right now, I kinda hate life.

Oh wait, we're in Florida.

Life is good again.

1 comment:

devourer.of.souls said...

he looks more like NASCAR's sean avery