Friday, March 4, 2011

What Game(s)? (Game Recap 6, 7 and 8)

Game 6:
Stars vs. Canadiens
7-2 Stars
Slip n' Slide promised us a game recap, but he's a horrible person and didn't come through. So, who knows, apparently we won 7-2, Goalie's cousin showed up and rocked a hatty.
Where did he come from?
Who knows.
Will we ever see him ourselves?
Who knows.
Did this game actually happen?
Who knows.

Game 7:
Stars vs Devils
Some score where the Devils win
Dangles tried to get rid of one of her thumbs
Legame?! takes a stick (we think) to the forearm
Highight of the game: Legame?! trips a guy good. If we were doing a full recap she would be Goon of the Game.

Game 8:
Stars vs. Kings
3-0 Kings
Waste of a game.
We couldn't buy a goal if our lives depended on it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Our Top ten Favourite Tampa Bay Lightning Things

In anticipation of our awesome trip to Tampa Bay to see a Lightning-Wings game we have compiled ten of our favourite Lightning things.

Also I just looked up how to spell "Lightning" because for some reason I became unsure if there was/should be an "e" in the middle.

So in a slightly organized list, here goes:

  1. You can go to a hockey game in a jersey... and short shorts.

We tried finding a picture for this... and decided it was more a user friendly type activity... google at your own risk.
Actually, we realized that we had a "Jersey and Short Shorts" party and it was a great success...

  1. The mascot is evil

  1. Most teams play soccer to warm-up. Sometimes the Lightning play basketball. We found it amusing.

  1. Head coach Guy Boucher looks like Lechiffre from Casion Royale...

Insert Kp's photoshop here...

  1. Ryan Malone used to play for the Penguins, then he left his hometown cause he's a greedy bastard. Luckily, it led to this fun video:

  1. Martin St. Louis is one of our favourite players, mostly because of this video of shootout failure

  1. Bringing a little bit of home to the NHL, you can't deny that Steven Stamkos is good, and he's from Markham... Ps Unionville sucks

  1. Stevie Y, enough said
  1. Simon Gagne, kp's favourite player

  1. Dominic Moore, everyone's favourite player

And why shouldn't he be? If you're reading this and don't know why, you don't belong here

Easily one of the best plays ever, leave it up to Blake to not finish.


Insert "That's what she said" comment above

We're going to TAMPA!!!!

suck it.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How come they got fancy jerseys? (Game Recap 5)

Steelers? Really, they couldn't come up with a fun hockey related name, and had to use the name of a NFL team? *Sees jerseys* Hamilton Steelers... Ooooh, that makes more sense...Wait wtf? "Hamilton?" who stole these jersey and brought them to North York?:
Stars vs Steelers
Game Recap:
  • We've never played this team before, not interesting but we thought we'd mention it
  • Whatshisname scores a nice one mid-way through the first, 1-0
  • Steelers come right back and score a quick on, shortest lead ever, 1-1
  • Job, job, job
  • Convo on the Bench:
"Are those socks orange or red?"
 "They're orange." 
"Are you sure, look at them now, they definitely look red now" 
"They look like the colour of Humpty Dumpty Ketchup Chips"
  • Warrior Chad scores, whooooo, 2-1
  • These guys seem pretty aggressive for no good reason, lamesauce
  • Damnit, bad guys score, let's blame Ketchup Chips Socks for this one, 2-2
  • "Let's get it back!" - Paraphernalia
  • Damnit x2, bad guys score again, 3-2
  • Excellent hip check by Paraphernalia, apparently the guy hit him on the boards right before... No one remembers seeing that except him, and the ref apparently. They both go off.
  • Nothing else remotely exciting happened.
  • Final Score: a big piss off, 3-2

Other notes:
We're starting to think we should lose like half the players just so we can get more ice time, three full lines this game.
Dangles played defence again...  Sorry Dangles rocked defence again. She might have also deserved a tripping penalty, but refs seemed to have looked the other way.

3 Stars:
  1. Chad, two games two goals, can we say points streak? Hope we didn't jinx it now...
  2. Anthony, making some sweet plays along the boards, and blocking shots
  3. Goalie, played a good game and plus, he's cute

Healthy Scratches:
Jimmy, tiny human most likely the cause

Goon of the game:
Paraphernalia, hip check was beautiful

Hockey Related Link of the Week:

You know, if you have a spare 17 minutes, and want to get angry...

New Word: 
As in "the Leafs can still mathemagically make the playoffs"

See you in Tampa!

Monday, February 7, 2011

I hate this team. I always feel we have a chance to beat these guys, and they always crush the dream. It helps that they have a couple guys with mad "wheels."
Yah that was lame...

Stars vs Wheels
Game Recap:
  • The bad guys score a lot, we really don't like guys rocking red helmets
  • Legame?! Is playing centre this game, faceoff central!
  • Dangles plays defence... Just like Bates! (There are two ways to play hockey: the Bates Battaglia way, and the wrong way. Yes we are well aware Bates doesn't ACTUALLY play defence, jeez)
  • Paraphernalia probably scored, 3-1
  • Dangles makes their best player look silly, taking the puck off him mid-dangle, he shows his respect by taking her feet out and helping her into the boards
  • Power play is crap...they get a shorty, 4-2
  • D Clint tries to introduce a new rule: legal hand passes, refs didn't get the memo...either time he tried it
  • Warrior Chad makes us remember why we missed him, goal, 4-2
  • Whatshisname had a sweet goal, from an excellent pass from Dangles, roofed it from the faceoff circle with 5 seconds left in the second, 5-3
  • F Clint gets us almost back in the game, 6-4
  • 2 minutes left and 2 goals to go...
  • Final Score: Stars: 4 - Wheels: 6

Other notes:
Huge bench on the Stars, waaaay too many players, someone should get sick or something
Robin is back, huge bonus, he's a great offensive player
No need for the Amber Alert either, Warrior Chad finally remembers he plays hockey...annnd lets us see the new Warrior stick. It is so ridiculously light, it is scary. Legame?! likes it until Warrior Chad lets us know that it's the stick Zetterberg is using now. Stick is no longer cool.

3 Stars:
  1. Dangles, for being Bates and de-dangling the other team's offence
  2. Whatshisname, epic goal, we keep telling ya, these guys are getting good
  3. Legame?!, face-off circle domination...kinda, well definitely stopped their guys a lot more than normal

Healthy Scratches:
New Guy

Goon of the game:
The good red helmet guy on the other team, that was a dirty, dirty slew foot on Dangles

Hockey Related Link of the Week:

Because of Warrior Chad's return, we feel no shame in checking out Warrior's site.
We'd link right to the hockey section, but then you'd be forced to see Zetterberg's mug first thing, and we felt everyone deserved a warning about that... A warning we didn't get mind you.

Bonus Prize:

Because Legame?! was told she had no "swagger" over the weekend by an eight year old.
Yes her ego is severely bruised.

'Til next time goons and gals

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

WRAP AROUND! (Game Recap 3)

Looking back this was a good game, but immediately after it just hurt a lot

    Stars vs Blues
  1. Legame?!'s helmet threatens to fall apart
  2. A whole bunch of people scored, in no particular order: Gretzky, Paraphernalia, F Clint, New Guy, and The Menace
  3. F Clint's goal was a WRAP-AROUND!!!!!!!!ZOMG!!1111!!!111111!!!
  4. New Guy's goal also had epic qualities, as after scoring, he tripped over the goalie and started flying. As he was flying he took out the net and landed ungracefully near the boards
  5. Legame?! Hits the boards somehow, then takes a stick to tummy next shift, ouch
  6. Some weird penalties, one unsportsmanlike for an offside call for the Blues, note to Dangles: don't bang your stick after something bad happens, and one to D Clint for "tripping"
  7. Goalie let in one decent goal, and one he really shouldn't have
  8. Game, 5-2

    Other notes:
    Two refs this time, still no time keeper, we just can't shake the feeling that we are getting cheated somewhere around here. Made the penalty time a little more flexible however, but that works both ways.

    3 Stars:
  1. F Clint, c'mon: WRAP AROUND!
  2. New Guy, spectacular "goal celebration"
  3. Tank, another solid game

  • Goon of the Game:
    Ummm, nothing very goon-like happened, sorry to disappoint everyone
  • Healthy Scratches:
    Jimmy, we hope
    Chad, might be Amber Alert time, or maybe he's pulled a Nabokov and has refused to report
  • Un-Healthy Scratches:
    Slip n' Slide, apparently he got the swine again
  • Hockey Related Link of the Week:

and if you want to watch it in French here's the link: Sportchek Commercial French

Friday, January 28, 2011

All-Star Fantasy Draft

In lieu of the All Star Draft happening tonight, it seems like every blog out there and their cousins and their cousin's dogs have done their own all star fantasy draft.
Given that, we've given into blog pressure (similar to peer pressure, but we have no friends so it's blog pressure), and we have done our own draft.
It's a little last minute, but maybe we'll come up with a point system to see how well our teams did, or maybe not. Don't count on it, is what we're saying. 
We've given you a round by round play-by-play, with amusing tidbits from our conversation during the draft.
KP picked Team Lidstom, and therefore received St. Louis and Kane as part of the package deal

Because of that KC gets Eric Staal, Green, and Kesler and first pick
Round 1:
KC: Stamkos
 KP: I could be a douche...Fleury?
KC: jerkwadcentral
KP: Just kidding, Toews
 KC: Not Ovi?
KP: He sucks
KC: Are we picking him last?
KP: Maybe. By that I mean yes
KC: Damn that means I get Kessel

Round 2:
KC: Which one is the better Sedin? I pick him.
KP: Henrik won MVP last year
KC: BTW, I wrote "the better Sedin" down on my roster
KP: I'm taking Daniel
KC: I hope he's the suckier one, or you just wasted a pick

Round 3:
KC: Letang
KP: Ward...Cam

Round 4:
KP: Burns

Round 5:
KC: Price
KP: Lunqvist

Round 6:
KC: Thomas
KP: Weber

Round 7:
KC: Boyle
KP: Damn, I wanted to have "Team Sexy"
KP: Yandle
KC: Yandle candle

Round 8:
KC: Nash
KP: Giroux

Round 9:
KC: Chara
KP: Hiller

Round 10 (heads up, this round was full of fail):
KC: Weber
KP: I took him already
KC: So?
KP: Right.
KC: Sharing?
KP: No sharing, try again
KC: Yeah, good call, sharing is for the weak
KC: Keith
KP: Ummm, Green
KC: Can't he's one of my A's
KP: Who is the other D that wears an A?
*here the conversation gets confusing, and even now we don't know what happened, but we eventually got it sorted out...
KP: M. Staal
KC: F you, I wanted a matching set
KP: Now we can trade Staal for Sedin
KC: No way

Round 11:
KC: Karlsson
KP: Perry
KC: I hate
KP: You hate Perry?!
KC: No, you

Round 12:
KC: Kopitar
KP: Buff, as in Dustin

Round 13:
KC: Richards, Brad
KP: P Sharp

Round 14:
KC: Havlat
KP: Duchene
KC: Stop reading my mind!!!!

Round 15 (KC might have tried to draft one of KP's players again, but let's not get into that):
KC: Backes
KP: Skinner

Round 16:
KC: Stastny
KP: Breezy Briere
KC: I picture him wearing a kilt now

Round 17:
KC: Elias, for my fantasy team, thought they should represent
KP: Eriksson
KC: Figured

Round 18:
KC: Kessel!
KP: Ovie!

Game On!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Well That Was a Write-Off (Game Recap 2)

Sunday night game, the end result was pretty forgettable, but why let me ruin all the fun:

Stars vs Lucky Pucks
Game Recap:
  • Dangles misses the warm-up beacause she was watching the end of the Steelers-Jets game (the good guys won says Legame?! Dangles disagrees)
  • Legame?! Gets run over by F Clint
  • New new guy, Purple helmet, turns out to be not as good and more lazy
  • Paraphernalia scores, yay, 1-0
  • Pretty much right off the face off after the first goal the Lucky Pucks score, boo, 1-1
  • Job job job
  • Paraphernalia makes worst play of the month, "passes" the puck through his own crease, which deflects off of Tank, and right to a Luck Puck who roofs it. Goalie had no chance. 2-1 for the bad guys
  • Dangles demands two more goals from Paraphernalia to make up from his epic fail moment
  • Job job job
  • Game ends, Lucky Pucks 2, Stars 1

Other notes:
One ref and no timekeeper, good thing nothing very exciting happened
I really want a brawl to happen, would make my life

3 Stars:
  1. Tank, very solid game
  2. Anthony, looks like he picked up mad skillz over the break, he is also in need of a nick name
  3. Whatshisname, made some very smart plays

All our newbies are really starting to get it, makes our maternal instincts proud

Healthy Scratches:
D Clint, was going to be late, but just never showed up
Jimmy, we hope he was home with the tiny human

Unhealthy Scrathes:
Slip n' Slide, out with the flu

Goon of the game:
F Clint, for taking out his teammate

Hockey Related Link of the Week:

Second Hockey Related Link of the Week:
Because I feel this might trump the first, and emptynetters said this might have just won the internet:

Monday, January 24, 2011

Greatest. Thing. Ever.

No really, just watch and be amazed.

This wonderful invention is going to be put to the test at the next Flyers home game. Thanks to Broad Street Hockey for the explanation on how it works, unless you want to continue to believe it's magic which is totally cool with me.

More Goalie Antics and some All Star Game Change Propositions

Justin Pogge, what did the Leafs do to your poor feeble mind?

the Score also had a sweet read on what the All Star Break should really include, you can read about it here

I'm starting to take bets on how many of our stars are going to bail on the festivities and who their replacements are going to be. Any takers?
I say if more of these guys get injured, Dom's a shoe-in.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Goalie Helmet Regulations

This just announced by the NHL, all goaltenders doing interviews after a game must wear a football helmet. Marc-Andre Fleury the first to test this new rule.

I do appreciate when professional athletes support other teams in their city but I am sorry to say Mr. Fleury that the tradition will not carry on. J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS!!!

The Girls go to Hockey [Game Recap 1)

For some reason we feel you really really need to know what happened at our hockey games. But in telling everyone about it, we hope to make it entertaining:
Stars vs Ice Gators
Game Recap:
  • Dangles decides to block a shot with the unpadded part of her arm
  • Ice Gators score before anyone noticed...probably cause we were too busy watching Dangles come off the ice
  • Gretzky scores
  • New Guy scores
  • F Clint scores making it 3-1 for the good guys
  • An Ice Gator trips on blue line, takes out Legame?! Hip bone takes brunt of impact off either the ice or Gator who fell...only the hockeygods know
  • Paraphernalia is hit, Dangles and Legame?! vow to get the guy back
  • Paraphernalia points out that he might have possibly tripped the guy earlier and probably deserved it
  • Vows revoked
  • Gators cause 39485729348 offsides
  • The Menace, Dangles and Legame?! have unreal shift, no goal... Legame?! needs to keep working on lifting the puck
  • Big win, final score 3-1 Stars
  • Goalie is proud of us

3 Stars:
  1. Goalie, for the usual awesomeness
  2. Supastar, for blocking shots and not Goalie's view
  3. New Guy, GWG
Goon Watch:

And finally the last component to a successful game story is some sort of hockey related entertainment:

I love the original, and this version just warms my heart a little.

Peace out and keep your waffles ready.