Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Missing: Flyers HOCKEY Players

Have you seen them?

The hard hitting,

the hard charging,


Recently there has been a little bit more of this ...

And a lot less of this ...

Few more recent developments from Philadelphia.

  • The Flyers scouting staff are keeping their eye on a new prospect.
Matthew Gagne is hoping to crack the Flyers roster in about 18 years.

  • There's a new Flyers girl in town...
Right there in the green teeshirt next to Richie. New love interest of Richie perhaps?

Oh wait...
It's just Scott Hartnell. Boy I wonder how long it took him to straighten that hair.

Here's to hoping the Flyers can start playing like they did in the first 2 games, full 60 minutes men, bring it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Not hockey related, but still worth your time

Possibly more than the usual rubbish we generally submit you guys to:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

When I have a bad day...

I just remember that we're going to Pittsburgh, and everything gets a little brighter.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Goalies are funnies

Yeah, come to think of it, I really don't want any of these guys on Team Canada

Pittsburgh's Goalies' Time with the Cup:

Mathieu Garon is friends with Eric Belanger, therefore he's my new hero.

Rush post, my computer is getting wiped today, and needed to do something with these links that have been sitting on my browser before they got disappeared...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Since I've been slacking...

Review of the Philadelphia offseason:

Added dirtiest player in theNHL as voted by the players themselves.
Added the flakiest player in the NHL and quite possibly a bigger douche than Sean Avery.
Added the goalie who holds the longest shutout streak (5+ games, somewhere around 336 mins)

That last one actually sounds like a good move. Yeah especially because when he played in his first stint with the Flyers he was wicked in his rookie season (as most Flyers drafted goalies are) and then sucked pretty much the rest of his career, minus those 5+ games.

So overall the Flyers did shit all in the offseason, should be a fun season. LET'S GET IT GOING!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

One more reason to hate Detroit

Bertuzzi back to the Red Wings

Really, I don't have to point out why I hate either do I?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Just because of the last post...

Down Goes Brown Wins Again

"Encourage financial responsibility among star players by reminding them to insist on receiving their full change after cab rides"

Find the whole thing here, this was just a highlight, I did also enjoy the jabs at twitter and Nascar

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Oh PKane

Some notes about this picture I "found":
  • Those are not freckles, maybe it's acne, or swine flu (sorry I mean H1N1, don't want to offend any of those pigs that read the blog)
  • Do you think he dropped his mouth guard?
  • Gawd he's ugly, Gawd cleary you didn't give this guy any looks when you were handing out talent.
  • Unibrow could also be taken for sitches after taking a puck to the head, your call really.
  • Ear hairs? ew gross
I think the rest is pretty true to life, not that I've ever seen him, don't tell me if he looks different in the flesh.

Also don't tell KP, I think she likes this guy...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I'm not thinking that much though

That's a little obvious Kris...

If this doesn't make you laugh it should at least make you giggle and at the very least smile because you know you're smarter than these two:

Kris Letang and Tyler Kennedy do the weather:

Part 2:

Saturday, June 13, 2009

More to Come...eventually


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Penguins in Seven

You figure Crosby has to score eventually, 'eventually' has turned into 'tomorrow'.

Despite our lack of coverage of the playoffs, here is all I have the need to say:

Penguins in Seven.

Game Seven is tomorrow.
The 15th Game Seven for Lord Stanley ever. (We all knew this already, thank you unoriginal media)

Do it.

Bring it.


Penguins in Seven.

We all knew it was true a long time ago.

On a completely unrelated note: Heatley wants to leave Ottawa.
Here it's described rather brilliantly by Five for Smiting. It's phrased so everyone in Ottawa can understand it, even the politicians...well that might be a bit of a stretch.

And in case you haven't heard yet, Emery is playing in Philly. Kp is absolutely thrilled about this. Nawt.
She also claims the Flyers aren't all goons...

Penguins in Seven

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hunky hunkness

So this was going to be a list, complete with pictures of a whole bunch of Penguin players as well as others from around the league, that have pretty mugs on top of pretty bodies. But by the time I had finished my research, I wasn't feeling nearly as shallow, so I'm not gonna follow through on that.

Instead, I'm going to take a page from Four Habs Fans and their Sexy Fridays, and have one guy a week for us to ogle at, and for our male friends to complain about but be secretly jealous of.

So for the first time ever, here's our man of the week:

Yay for Marc-Andre Fleury. Yah, he'll always be my favourite

Do I really need to say why?

Also, while doing this research I found a couple solid posts/articles on Fleury, because he is awesome.

This one is from Puck Huffers - Why Marc-Andre Fleury Is A Man
Contains epic lines such as "When not banging his wicked hot girlfriend Véronique, Marc-André primarily spends his time being extremely French Canadian, extremely happy, and the number one enemy of polo shirts worldwide" Follow that by a picture of the man golfing and his polo shirt losing a battle with his forearms.

The second is an oldie, but full of stories from a Post-Gazette article
It's the big story they had after he was drafted.


Pens in Seven

Monday, June 1, 2009


Enough said right?

Friday, May 15, 2009

To make up for slacking....

I might have found the most amazing drinking game of all time

Staal Brothers Drinking Game

Name them correctly and get a prize!

The best part of that is their live blog.

I really appreciated the update at 8:29pm I never knew about the contracts some players have with the announcers. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me.

Whoops wrong set of brothers...

Thinking we might need to do our own live blog of the first game, Monday night anyone?

The two we're about to hear waaaaay too much of.

Let's go Pens.

Let's do this.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The NHL has no balls

It only has pucks. Ha ha.

Moving on..

You may remember my post last playoffs Goal or No Goal. I have another addition to that so lets pick a case.

*drum roll*

You have picked...2009.

Round 2, Game 2, 1st seed Boston Bruins playing at home against the 6th seed Carolina Hurricanes. Very late in the period, less than 10 seconds to go and Dennis Siedenberg, just out of the penalty box, looks at the clock and takes a shot from the blue line which is saved by Tim Thomas with a big rebound which is shot back at the net by Chad LaRose. The puck seems to bounce along the goal line after hitting the crossbar then the post, with 0.2 seconds left on the clock the whistle goes. Video replay shows at one point there is white ice between the puck and the goal line and TSN "Personality" Pierre McGuire is adamant that it is a goal. Goal or no goal?

Goal. (Reasoning: if Pierre says so it's obviously right)

*drum roll*

Oh I'm sorry that is incorrect. The NHL issued a statement after the 2nd intermission that it was not a goal because it was called no goal on the ice and therefore there needed to be conclusive video evidence that it was in fact a goal, apparently there was not.

Or maybe it was because the Bruins was already down 2-0 in Boston and if the goal counted the fans would go crazy and flip cars and start burning shops down in the city, oh wait this is Boston not Montreal.

Whatever reason the NHL has for calling it the way they did, it's just more evidence that when it comes down to it the NHL is going to take the easy way out of any hard situation it gets put in.

Monday, April 13, 2009

It's Mo season once again

And the Pens organization have gotten on the bagon hard.

See their Build-a-Beard set-up for their Beard-a-thon...remind anyone of Movember?


...And check out my own sweet mo, and be jealous.

I normally look like that...including the vines and pepper surrounding my face.

ps this picture gets better the longer you look at it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

All I can say is .. WOW

Very impressive..not so much impressive as much as "Wow, I can't believe you just tried that and you pulled it off."

How long until we see someone try this in an NHL shootout..and FAIL.

And some more great moves by this kid.

Monday, March 23, 2009

K. Da. $

Malkin deserves to be MVP. End of story.

I've long been a Malkin fan.

When asked "Crosby or Ovechkin?"
My answer is obviously Malkin.

I love what Crosby brings to hockey, and even his image is promoting the sport. But he's a little picture perfect.

And Ovechkin, he looks like a monkey, and honestly if any of us were to meet him if he wasn't super talented and famous, we'd call him a douchebag and have nothing to do with him.

So why Malkin?
I'm so glad you asked.

  • Crosby goes down, Malkin steps up, about the eqivalent number of steps as there are in the CN Tower (wiki says: 2579 to the SkyPod) and that's alot of stepping up to do.
  • Crosby comes back, Geno tells him how nice the view is from way up there, tells him to catch up
  • Malkin is not friends with Ovechkin. Sure, he helped the monkey kid during the All-Star challenge. It doesn't make them friends. Kovalchuck brought about the peace that weekend anyways.
  • He tries hard, all the time, what a champ
  • His attempt to learn English is super endearing (yes, I used the word "endearing"). Anyone whose text messages used to consist of combinations of K, $ and Da, has to be a winner. Also, watch, Malone captures Malkin for a bit of an interview.

  • Best looking member of the Penguins...or so he says himself, nothing wrong with a little confidence.
  • Carrot is his stalker (I could explain, link or otherwise explain this reference but I choose not to, tPB covered/instigated/finished that mess)
  • 105 points so far this season. Try denying that.
  • Not only does he lead in points he leads in assists. And he cant be passing to Crosby all the time since that kid has <30>
  • He goes fishing with Gonchar
  • He's just awesome
So Malkin. MVP.

Geno is the man.

and Dupis is the ICEMAN:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Thanks again Yahoo

So I read a note on Nabokov on March 12th, and decided to drop Niittymaki and pick up Brian Boucher who plays for a better team and should get wins. And then what happens, Nabokov plays on March 14th.Quickest two weeks of my life. Thanks Yahoo.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Suzie's Back!!

If you have missed our dear friend Suzie the Shinny Slut and wished she would come back and share more tales from the shinny rink, today is your lucky day. If this is the first you are hearing of Suzie the Shinny Slut take a look back at her first 2 posts.Suzie is back from a little time off and she has quite a few stories for us. Enjoy!

Oh my gosh did I miss shinny and all the totally cute hockey boys. I've been sooo totally busy the past few weeks trying my hand at like being a puck bunny and all that I haven't had like any time to go play shinny. It was way cool but I'd much rather like play with the totally cute guys before I like go home with them.

Sooo this week at shinny, like the usual peeps were out, TRG and like a few of his friends. There was like this one guy and he totally had like wicked flow, not as good as the the flowy hair russian guy, he was like so dreamy. There were also like these 5 douchebags on the other team, they were like totally lame.

I like had this super sweet breakaway on TRG again. I cut across and like totally saw his five hole open up and tried to like put the puck through but lifted the puck like off the ice and hit his pads. I've always heard TRG totally like needs to keep his legs closed. *giggle*

I was like so on my game this week and I totally thought it was a good idea to try to like body check some guys. What better way to like get on top of them. So there was this one super dreamy guy, he's got some like wicked flow growing, and I like decided he would be a super guy to like take down. I had it like all planned out and it was gonna be like way cool. But like when I hit him, I was the one who was like on their ass. It was rough but like totally worth it.

Well now, those were some good stories and I know we all can't wait to hear more from Suzie, hopefully we won't have to wait as long for the next one.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


The Pens are on a mean streak *knock on wood*
I guess they remembered how to play hockey or something.

And we have found the Ian white of the Pens: Matt Cooke

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Almost Live Trade Blog

4:18 pm:
G-Kolzig(TB) and D-Heward and D-Rogers and 4th round draft-pick for D-Petiot(Tor)
4:17 pm:
F-Kotalik(Buf) for 2nd round draft-pick(Edm)
3:53 pm:
F-O'Sullivan(Car) for F-Cole(Edm)
3:51 pm:
F-O'Sullivan(LA) for F-Williams(Car)
3:43 pm:
F-Moen(Ana) and D-Huskins for F-Bonino(SJ) and G-Pielmeier and conditional draft-pick
3:37 pm:
F-Pahlsson(Ana) for D-Wisniewski(Chi)
3:36 pm:
D-McLaren(SJ) for 6th round draft-pick(Phi)
3:33 pm:
G-Lalande(Clb) for 4th round draft-pick(Cal)
3:29 pm:
D-Eminger(Fla) for D-Welch(TB) 3rd round draft-pick
3:08 pm:
F-Christensen(Atl) for F-O'Dell(Ana)
3:07 pm:
F-Dominic Moore(Tor) for 2nd round draft-pick(Buf)
2:58 pm:
D-Morris(Pho) for D-Kalinin(NYR) and F-Dawes and F-Prucha
2:47 pm:
F-Antropov(Tor) for 2nd round draft-pick(NYR) and a conditional pick
2:45 pm:
F-Carcillo(Pho) for F-Upshall(Phi) and 2nd round draft-pick
1:55 pm:
F-Guerin(NYI) for Conditional draft-pick(Pit)
1:53 pm:
Forsberg to announce retirement..again
1:24 pm:
F-Recci(TB) and 2010 2nd round draft-pick for D-Lashoff(Bos) and F-Karsums
12:37 pm:
F-Jokinen(Pho)and 3rd round draft-pick for F-Lombardi(Cal), F-Prust and 1st round draft-pick
12:33 pm:
F-Nokelainen(Bos) for F-Montador(Ana)
12:04 pm:
Tellqvist(Pho) for 4th round draft-pick(Buf)
11:49 am:
D-Wozniewski(StL) for D-Richmond(Pit)
11:40 am:
D-Leopold(Col) for D-Nycholat(Cal), D-Wilson, prospect and 2nd round draft-pick
11:35 am:
Vermette just wants to be loved.
9:55 am:
F-Vermette(Ott) for G-Leclaire(Col) and a 2nd round draft-pick
This happened literally after TSN said it would be a smart move, nice.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'm bound by contract to get any trade news from TSN only

Starting after the first major trade.
Be sure to come by to get all your trade deadline news.

And while we wait for that first major deal...

I thought the trade deadline was supposed to be exciting. TSN sure is pretending its been rivoting so far.
I know all the action will happen tomorrow, but that's a long ways away, what are we to do right now?
  • Guess were Moore will go? (he's going somewhere, it IS the trade deadline...)
  • Check TSN for trade news (there is none)
  • Read brianburke twitter, and then bobgainey twitter, and then jasonblake twitter, then alexeikovalev twitter and then and then and then and then
  • Muse over starting own parody twitter...bates? belak? jagr?
  • Check TSN again (still nothing)
  • Read hockey blogs again
  • Watch old youtube videos
  • Check TSN
  • Accidentally close browser, check TSN again
  • Cry out of boredom
  • Look at pictures of Scott Speed
  • Check TSN
  • Turn on tv...check TSN
  • TRADE! oh no not really
  • Jump off roof
  • Die
  • Check Tsn

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Trade Season!!

With the trade deadline just around the corner there are some very juicy rumours going around. Here are a few:

The Flyers, who may or may not need a solid goalie, are looking at sending by far their top prospect, James Van Riemsdyk (aka JVR), for a goalie. This would be acceptable for most Flyers fans if the goalie they were potentially getting back in return wasn't Kari Lehtonen. Yes that goalie from the miserable Atlanta Thrashers. If your going to get rid of JVR can you atleast get back a goalie that has done something mentionable please, that's all the Flyers fans ask for.

Since it seems like Chicago is going to make the playoffs this year, they are out looking for some depth to play behind their young guns, P. Kane and Capt'n Johnny T (mostly I just wanted to mention them by their nicknames) but they really are looking for a 3rd line center. Which team in the league has 4 3rd line centers and therefore wouldn't mind parting with one of them, well the Toronto Maple Leafs of course. A trade deadline wouldn't be complete without Dominic Moore being traded, so why not to the Blackhawks. No idea what the Leafs would get in return but really are the Leafs going anywhere anytime soon? I think not.

One more point I would like to make seeing as it's trade time in the NHL is this wonderful term, "future considerations." Someone recently asked me "what does future considerations mean?" I did some research and found this quote (not really but I like to pretend) "we may or may not give you someone else depending on how we feel and how this guy we just got from you performs." If I were a GM in the NHL I would totally try this deal;

Me: So we want (insert budding superstars name here) and if he makes it to the hall of fame we will give you a 4th round draft pick from the year he gets voted into the hall ok?
Other GM: Hmm. Give me a minute to think about this deal.
Me: How about I spice it up and give you a 7th round draft pick for next year upfront?
Other GM: Alright, this sounds like a deal I can win with. Deal.

Wouldn't that be great.

Now a quick update on our favourite budding Nascar hottie. Scott Speed won the pole for the (lame) series race this weekend at Las Vegas Motor Speedway. He then proceeded to crash out in the race and finished 40th. Better luck next time.

For your viewing pleasure..not sure what he is thinking about.

Monday, February 23, 2009

They're not booing. They're saying "October through Juuuuuuuuuunnne"

If you haven't gotten on this bagon yet, you're seriously slacking, it's really the only other thing we talk about now other than:


but yah, brianburke does twitter. No, he actually doesn't do twitter, it's a parody, but we're all semi-intelligent folks around here, we knew that. Really we don't need to say anything, Down Goes Brown covered it epically, go read. That is if your roommate didn't already read it to you while you were trying to eat lunch and enjoy your soaps

We have just come to the realization that Scott Speed should be on the Y&R with those amazingly good looks. Do it.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Habs players need better friends

As if they needed anymore problems, a few of the Habs players have "allegedly" got caught up with the wrong people.

How wrong you might ask? Well according to a report on the Fan590, really wrong, like Hells Angels wrong. Pasquale Mangiola, was arrested by Montreal police and faces drug trafficing and illegal gun charges.

Break time for Scott Speed

And who ever could these players be? Take a guess, you won't get it. Andrei and Sergei Kostitsyn and Roman Hamrlik. Although he "allegedly" is only an aquantance of this guy, while the Kostitsyns have "allegedly" had several phone calls with the dude.

Where might all this "alleged" information come from you wonder. The trusty people over at La Presse. If you can read french here's the story. If you want a little information in a language you can read, here's the Gazette story.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


"If I move my bed 5 inches to the right, I will have so much more space for activities!"

If the Pens don't kick it up they will be definitely looking for more space for their non-hockey related activities.

Really i had no reason to post anything, except I really wanted to share that line with everyone, then tried to cover it up with a reference to how much the Pens suck.

By the way, in case we are wondering, no I haven't given up on them, I'm merely temporarily experiencing what it is like to be a Leafs fan. Ooooh burn.

And so I'll leave you with two notes:
1)"if orgies are about one thing, its not rhythm but rather just brutally sexual behavior" -#8

Sunday, February 15, 2009

There is no hockey here

We are in Florida.
We have been here for a couple days.
There is no sign of hockey here.
Hence the lack of posting.
Lame excuse, yes.
But at the moment if it doesn't guzzle gas,
Or chew up tires.
Or involve crazy red-neck fans,
We don't care right now.

On a side note:

Scott Speed ftw!
If Jagr drove in NASCAR, he'd be Scott Speed.
Scott words can describe

If you can't watch all of that, it's ok, neither could we.

Hockey: Penguins fire head coach, dumb move. Some guy is in his place right now, I kinda hate life.

Oh wait, we're in Florida.

Life is good again.

Monday, February 9, 2009

But over in Russia...

There is some very exciting news that has made its way over by telegraph from Russia. Ok maybe not telegraph but how cool would that be.

If you think back in your memory you may remember a very out there goaltender for the Ottawa Senators who couldn't be on time or drive properly and was just a general pain in the ass. Oh and he may or may not have been good at actually stopping pucks.

His name was Ray Emery (and I suppose it still is just now with a Russian accent) and he now plays in the KHL in Russia. And some recent events have come to the attention of James Duthie over at TSN and it's definitely worth reading his column.

This is the video of what happened over in Russia. Look at his name. EPIC!

Nothing to Report

Nothing is exciting right now.

The internet seems more empty right now than usual.

However I do have something to share. PuckToons provides a shot at someone in the NHL in convenient cartoon form, posting does seem a little irregular, but none-the-less still entertaining.

Pens were on a winning streak, about a whole 2 games I think. Then they lost. Don't talk to me about it.

Gonchar said he's gonna be back sooner than expected. But then originally we thought he'd be back for the playoffs. Yah, those. Don't talk to me about that either.

WWGRD. calls Cookie monster a chicken shit, I hate to say it, but sounds like WWGRD is trying to make an excuse.

Insert humourous picture here.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Prof. Fischer is ahhhhhhh-mazing

The following is an actual email our prof sent us regarding a design project.

Dear Matt and All,

With all the violence going on in hockey, I am not a fan of the game. On top of that, having been born on a different continent, I have difficulty spending time watching big men with lumber attacking each other.

However, if you find that hockey in general, and black tape in particular (rather than good 'ol electric tape), can make this course a success, man, I am all for it!

Yes, please, bring some tape to class, and show me how to use it, and I'm game. I may even play hockey some day...

Prof. Fischer

Monday, February 2, 2009

New Poll Up

I don't care what you say, these are the best jerseys ever. And if you don't think so, you're wrong.

It must be noted that, both of us want us one of these, and it must come in sweater form, just like it should be.

P.s. I enjoyed Price's brown pads once again.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

More Adventures of Suzie

We welcome back Suzie another week, hope you enjoy this weeks adventure.

Take it away Suzie.

So like I didn't go to shinny on the usual day this week because I totally had to get up WAY too early the next day, so I like went on Tuesday. Tuesday shinny is like totally not cool at all. There was like a total lack of flowy hair, and I found it like completely depressing. TRG was there with a few of his totally awesome friends. And there was like some other stupid girls there and I was like 'omg, all the guys should be like looking at me because I'm the shinny slut.' But whatever they were like totally not as hot as me.

I had a few totally wicked breakaways on TRG and one I like got him sliding across the crease and totally would have scored but I didn't want to like make him look totally uncool or something. So there was like this other chance I had on TRG, I thought I was totally going to score but like out of nowhere came his glove, it was a totally gnarly save.

Thanks Suzie for that wonderful story, and we can't wait for the next one.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Who Looks Younger

Option A: Mike Komisarek (don't you want to give him a hug?)
Option B: Paul Reid at about 15 years(our good friend over at DSBT)

ps Paul said he doesn't want any hugs...take that as you will.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

"AllStar" Weekend

"AllStar" Weekend is upon us again. For the players not selected for this weekends festivities in the beautiful city of Montreal, it's a nice break for them to go home, visit family and partake in other fun activities such as fishing.

Thank you Yahoo, that really affects my Fantasy Hockey team.

For those who have been lucky enough to be voted in for the starting lineup (every single player on the Montreal Canadiens) or who were chosen as reserves, they get to spend a weekend of fun including a Skills competition and something which may or may not be called hockey game.

Let's take a look at who was voted in.
For the East: Sidney Crosby, Evgeni Malkin, Alexei Kovalev, Andrei Markov, Mike Komisarek and Carey Price.
For the West: Patrick Kane, Jonathan Toews, Ryan Getzlaf, Brian Campbell, Scott Niedermayer and Jean-Sebastien Giguere.

Who might be missing from here if it was to be an actual Allstar game. How about league leader in goals at the time of voting and for most of the year, Jeff Carter or perhaps the leader now, Alex Ovechkin. And how about league leader in points among defensemen, Dan Boyle or the leader in goals among defensemen, Shea Weber. Still not done, how about the league leaders in wins, Miikka Kiprusoff and Evgeni Nabakov or the goalie with the best save percentage in the league, Tim Thomas. Clearly the fans don't agree with this. They just want to see their favourite players there whether they deserve to be there or not. I will give credit to Crosby, Malkin, Markov and Getzlaf for racking up enough points so far to actually be considered Allstars.

I'm not going to say don't let the fans vote because that would be wrong, it allows the NHL to get fans more involved in the Allstar weekend which is the whole idea behind it, is it not? But I do have a problem with allowing fans to vote as many times as they want. Make it so fans can vote once per day and then there won't be these pissing contests between cities *cough* Montreal and Pittsburgh *cough*.

Just a few notes about this pissing contest that went on, Sergei Gonchar, who has not played a game this season, and Ryan Whitney, who just recently started his season, almost beat out Markov and Komisarek for starting spots. And Marc-Andre Fleury was close to being the starting goalie even though he was injured during the time of voting. It wasn't just in Pittsburgh and Montreal, Chicago and Vancouver got in on it as well, Kane, Toews and Campbell were miles ahead in voting and Roberto Luongo almost made starting goaltender for the West team. Does this seem right to you? I think not.

Even if the NHL fixes the fan voting problem, they still have a long way to go to have a legitimate Allstar game. One quick way is to do away with this "atleast one player from every team must be at the Allstar game." Welcome Dustin Brown and your 33 points in 46 games to quite possibly your one and only "Allstar" game. And Mike Modano and Keith Tkachuk were once great players, just not Allstar caliber anymore. I would just like to note that while Tomas Kaberle is probably only there because he is the best player on a bad team, he like Rick Nash belong at the Allstar game.

My only other problem with the "Allstar game is the way the game is actually played, but it is played like almost all other Allstar games, no one wants to get hurt (like the recently traded John Tavares, although he didn't miss too many games) so the game is not played to the highest level it could be by all these "Allstar" players.

Whatever your views on the NHL "Allstar" game are, I hope you enjoy watching the festivites this weekend including the always interesting (even though it was only started last year) Breakaway Challenge (if Ovechkin can do what he did last year and actually make contact with the puck, I give him the automatic win).

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Adventures of Suzie

So here starts the tale of our friend Suzie. She is a Shinny Slut, and no we aren't too sure what a Shinny Slut is either, but hopefully through this written record we will all learn a thing or two. Suzie will do her best to entertain us all with a tale every week of her epic adventures at shinny.

Take us away Suzie.

Sooooooo, we were totally at like shinny the other day, and as usual it was way cool. But see here, there there was this totally sketch goalie, he looked like a bogus 8-year old. But, whatever, the like big prob was that he was way un-cool and wouldn't switch with like the third goalie there. Totally lame sauce. So, you know, this like other totally rad goalie (TRG) totally went over and like kicked him out, like wicked! TRG is like totally the man, annnd he's a super sweet tendy too, like gnarly saves all over the place. It was like awesome.

Anyways, there were like these two totally dreamy guys who kept passing me the puck and i like really didn't want it. Both the guys had like the flowiest hair EVER, i think it like made them play better.

So I had a this like totally wicked breakaway and I totally would have scored if the puck didn't like trip me on the rebound after the TRG stopped my shot. And I had like a really sweet pass to a guy infront and totally got an assist, like woah I'm super wicked.

Thanks for that riveting shinny tale. We hope to hear more from Suzie the Shinny Slut in the near future.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I spent entirely too much time on this

Click to's worth it.

Fantasy Hockey Problem

Don't you hate it when all 3 of your fantasy hockey goalies are playing in one night and you have to leave one of them on the bench. Don't you really hate it when the two lesser goalies are playing really crappy teams and you know the right thing to do is bench the super awesome goalie playing against a decent team but you can't because you know he will end up getting a shutty. It's a really tough world we live in.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So the last post has reminded me of back in the day when i used to use a wood stick, Sherwood with a Coffey curve. Boy was that a wicked curve. I recently bought my first wood stick in years because it was a Coffey curve and it's nice to go back to that once and a while now that I've played with one piece sticks for a bit.

My first one piece was a Crosby curve, it was a beauty, mostly black with a little bit of orange, and I taped it up with orange tape too. It should have lasted me a long time but a gap in the boards near the zamboni door decided it was the sticks time to go just a few weeks after I got it. The blade got caught in the boards while i was trying to get the puck as i skated by and it just snapped at the end of the shaft. It was very sad, but it allowed me to get a new one piece. It was a Team Canada stick and a new type of curve, my favourite player, Simon Gagne. The first few games i played with it I was very cautious with it but it has lived through until today and it has had some awesome passes and goals come off it.

Last year I found a pretty much fully orange stick at a ProShop at a rink and decided I'd buy that so i could have 2 one piece sticks. It's a little shorter and my other one but a decent stick. However it does not compare to my new stick which I got yesterday...

Bauer Vapor XVI..what a beautiful stick. Best part, it has a Gagne curve. It has yet to be used but I'm hoping it has some luck in it for the first game as most of my other sticks have.

The Internet is Dangerous

Jordan Staal Stalkers unite here.

And I refuse to see any legitimacy in the Lecavalier rumours mostly because I don't want half of the Habs to leave, including everyone's favourite: PK Subban.

And he isn't even a Hab yet.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Only 200 kilometers away!

Guess who:
He was born on the same day as Patrick Roy, in the same Canadian province, just 200 kilometers apart.


(ONLY 200 km away!)

Next, who lived with Mario after he was drafted?

Crosby, yes.

Who else?

Fleury, yes again.

Who else?

Yes there was someone else, Mario has seemed to make a habit of it.


What's the most awesome anagram for Jaromir?

Mario Jr.

"I didn't even know what anagram meant in English, how could I translate that into Czech?"
-Jiri Hrdina, former Penguins and teammate of Jagr, and fellow Czech trying to explain to Jágr that mixing the letters of "Jaromir" actually spells "Mario Jr"

Also, Hrdina and ЯГР were called Czechmates, hilarious, I know.

Did you know that Mark Madden said he would donate $6500 to the Mario Lemieux Foundation, if Mario scored directly off a faceoff in a radio show. That night Mario did just that. Check it.

ЯГР's father owns a chain of hotels.

Paul Coffey preferred his skates to fit as tightly as possible, and wore two sizes smaller than his shoes. They were tied with two sets of laces, one laced from the bottom to half way up, and the other from the halfway point to the top. The skates were so tight that rather than untying them trainers cut the laces to remove his skates after every game. Also, he preferred to grind the blades of his skates to a very dull finish resulting in him "gliding" over the surface of the ice.

Coffey is into car dealerships.

He also has an epic stick curve.

Thank you wikipedia.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


ЯГР says he would play for the Penguins if Mario gives him a ring and asks him to.
Read This
That would be unreal.

Check this out too, some pretty epic pics of Jagr and Mario
ps check out that hair.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

More World Jrs

Just to note that 15-0 is a tournament record for goals and the 8 powerplay goals by Canada was a record for Canada. As for player records, John Tavares tied Eric Lindros and Jeff Carter for total goals with 12.

Now a bit about the semi against Russia tonight. We were playing our own hockey game during the first 2 periods but we caught the most important part of the game. I must admit when there were about 30 seconds to go I thought Canada was done, and I was mostly thinking no one would score in overtime, but I had all the faith in the world that Canada (mostly John Tavares) would get it done (like Johnny T got it done against the USA). And look at that, they did. Canada plays a tough opponent on Monday night in Sweden, should be a great game and as shown by today just cause Canada looks down and out doesn't mean they are.

One more quick note:
5.3 seconds..way to take it to the wire

Friday, January 2, 2009

Lil about the 2009 World Junior Championships

If you have been following the IIHF World Jr Championships in Ottawa, you have probably heard all about how the tournament should be an 8 team tournament so there are not as many blow outs (See Canada vs Kazakhstan..or anyone vs Kazakhstan). The logic of bring 2 teams up was that if they played the big boys they would see what the need to do to beat the big boys and then would get better. That only works if the team is at least close in skill level. Also there is a wonderful in the IIHF tournaments that when a tie occurs it goes to goals. This means if you are winning 5,6,7 or 8 to 0 you can't just lay off and not score because it could mean the difference between getting a bye to the semis or playing in the quarters. This is a wHeak rule and really should be changed if the tournament is going to stay in its current format. (The IIHF was considering making it a 12 team tournament but that idea got trashed after Canada trashed Kazakhstan 15-0)

Anyone watch the game everyone was waiting for in the preliminary round? Canada vs rivals USA. Always a good game, and everyone knew this one was going to be no different. But boy was it ever, one of the best games of the tournament and of recent memory. Canada went down by 3 early but were sparked by (at least Don Cherry and I like to think) one of the American players going by the Canadian bench after the 3rd goal with his hand to his ear. TSN turning point anyone? It may not have been the reason but Canada came back and scored 3 and ended up winning 7-4 (2 homo goals, one by Tavares to complete the hatrick) and got the bye to the semis. Fun fact to note, USA lost to Slovakia in the quarters and are out of medal contention. Canada plays Russia Saturday night for the chance to play for gold on Monday. Go Canada Go!